Thursday, April 2, 2020

We're All In This Together

Wow, what a crazy time to be living in. Life just seems surreal this moment in time, when is someone going to wake me up and tell me this is all an April Fools joke? It is a very strange feeling, waking up and working from home. Now I know this is a norm for many people in this world, but for me it is not. I love what I do and have moments of comfort knowing we are Home Safe, but then other times I just feel like crying missing my normal days. I had a topic planned for this month, but went down this route instead because my mind is all over the place and couldn't seem to wrap my head around not being able to see my students any time soon and not having been able to give a proper good-bye. 

I know many educators are writing about this lately, but how could we not. Our mind is a blur of memories, confusion as to what is coming our way, and feelings of inadequacy in meeting student needs from home. We are definitely living in uncharted times! We, educators are not sure how to go about our daily schedule from home, but we are doing our best to keep communication with our students. We are going along with state, county, and district recommendations for distance learning.
Then I begin to wonder, what is happening with that child, if not more, that do not have a way of connecting online. What is happening with the child/children that have the work, but need the interventions and hands-on assistance for better understanding. We are all trying to obtain 100% of our families and may not be there still. It is frustrating and sad at the same time because we want to do our best to help our students finish the school year strong.

I would like to give you suggestions that have helped me through this process and hope it helps you in some way:
  1.       Communication App- I use Dojo with my students and Remind for my daughters. Both platforms are very similar and are a fast and easy to use. These communication tools will assist in bringing joy and success as you share files, photos/videos, and content from your favorite sites. Your messages will also translate messages, when needed. Our school, El Camino Elementary, also has an account to keep the school community together. We are planning Virtual Spirit Weeks to encourage the positivity and excitement even when learning from home. Administration is also able to post district news and meal schedules to keep parents informed and remind them that we are all in this together.
  2.          OMSD Distance Learning on Symbaloo (it must have been a collective effort, but as far as I know the Learning and Teaching Department and our  Tech departments have done an AMAZING job with this) has many wonderful resources, including a suggested learning plan to get going on this next phase of teaching until the end of the school year.
  3.           Have Grace! I am talking about you, being KIND and having GRACE for yourself and others. Every Teaching Story during Distance Learning will be different. We have to remember we all have different teaching styles, different resources will be provided and home demands will vary.

      "Looking at the past must only be a means of understanding more clearly what and who you are- so you can more wisely build the future. ~Paulo Freire

Through all of this, there were moments of uncertainty, shock, and sadness. Then a week after school closures, in reading articles and searching for resources to be ready for remote learning I was reminded why we started Spotlight in the first place. Our students are the Spotlight, but we are here to let you know that we are all in this Teaching Journey together. We need one another for support in new learning, to share ideas and collaborate to enhance the learning process. It was a joy to see Teachers all across the nation come together to help one another because it is not about us, it’s about the kids we teach and being able to provide the best education possible, even in the midst of a pandemic.

Keep us posted on what your needs are, in hope that we can provide answers/assistance within our continuous blog posts. Take care of yourselves, stay safe, and healthy!

Live, Love, Teach.
Hilda Sanchez

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