Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Distance Learning During a Pandemic

Well 2020 didn't quite start off they we could ever have imagined, but here we are! Distance Learning has been both a blessing and a curse.  A blessing in that we've been given the time for self-care, the ability to take care of things at home, and spend time with our families.  As well as the fact that we still have jobs and are getting paid whereas many others are not.  A curse in that, Distance Learning is HARD.  It is not what we as teachers signed up for, but I think we're rockin' it for the most part.  This has been a HUGE adjustment for parents, teachers, and kids alike. It is a daily struggle to get ALL kids and parents participating.  It also lacks the joy of teaching, seeing the kids make connections, and the daily face to face interaction.

On the bright side, I still get to see their smiling faces on zoom and that helps me feel a little better about not being able to see them live in the classroom each day!  I thought I would just blog a little bit about what my Distance Learning classroom looks like!

Google Classroom

In my Google classroom, I post their assignments weekly.  I have them grouped by each week of distance learning.  Each assignment has it's due date posted next to it.  All assignments are posted on Sunday night, and then I make an announcement in Google classroom attaching their 5 day schedule for the week, which explains what exactly they should be completing each day.

This is just a snapshot of the 5 day schedule.  This shows the kids exactly what they need to complete each day and the links are embedded. This gets posted Sunday night in Google classroom as well as in my parent app (ClassTag).  Then we Zoom on Monday to discuss, go over, and make sure they understand the assignments, answer questions, etc

I also post exercise and mindfulness video links for them to do if they would like.  I always ask them to leave a comment and tell us which one they tried out, if they chose to do any.  They LOVE Go Noodle in the classroom so many of them are enjoying that they can do it at home!
I have also posted a few step-by-step drawing video links and had them share/post their creations.  I think it's important for them to have something fun to do and talk about besides schoolwork. 😊

I zoom with the kids two to three times per week.
Always on Monday to make sure they understand their assignments and what's due for the week- we go over the daily schedule.  Then again on Wednesday to follow up, answer questions, make sure kids are on track completing assignments.   Then sometimes again on Friday to again address students who haven't completed work and to remind them things are due, to answer questions, provide help, do something fun, etc.  I had assigned the kids a book report project back in February that would have been due Monday 3/30.  I gave them an extra couple weeks to complete it and we shared them over zoom this past week. It was cute they were so excited to share them!

Zoom tips and tricks:
-Arrange your settings so that all participants are muted upon entry
-Toggle on the waiting room switch.  This makes it so that you have to "admit" each student.  This way you are away if anyone suspicious is trying to join.
-Also in the settings toggle on the switch that notifies you with a doorbell sound every time a participant enters or leaves.  This helps you keep track of who's coming and going.
-Type a question in the comment at the start of the meeting this way they have something to read and and answer while they're waiting.
-Also if you noticed that the "chat" feature disappeared- it didn't! When you log into zoom you need to go to your "setting" and just scroll down to where you see the chat feature setting and click the toggle switch to on.

Kids Learning at Home
I have a large part of my parents and kids messaging, calling, or emailing on a daily basis.  And although at times it's exhausting, it is so rewarding to see so many of my families working hard to support their children and make sure they're still learning.  I have had many of them express their gratitude to me for my help and support and it truly makes all of this worthwhile.  Likewise, I appreciate all their effort and support with their children at home!  I asked my parents to send me any pictures of their kiddos doing Distance Learning at home, and here are a few I received 😍💖                                                                 

Distantly Learning,
Megan Brown

Copy of pic- Megan Brown.jpg


  1. Hi Megan. I found your "Zoom Tips and Tricks" really helpful. Even though it's now summer vacation, I have a feeling we'll still be utilizing Zoom quite a bit. Thank you! =^..^=


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