Friday, April 24, 2020

There is No Social Distancing in Kindergarten

There. I said it.

Back six weeks ago, we had an emergency/voluntary meeting after school to learn that parent conferences would be held by phone only and that students would still attend school during conference week.  The next day was Friday the 13th.  What an ominous day that was.

That Friday started off pretty normal in class.  For some reason, I decided to send home their homework binders and reading folders home all ready for the next week (they normally go out on Mondays).  Maybe I had a feeling...

I dismissed my students at 11:30am, went to the office with one straggler to call home, when that announcement came over the loud speaker: "Staff, please check your email for a very important and timely message."  I knew it.  At that moment I knew I wouldn't see my students again for at least a few weeks.  We never got to officially say good-bye.

If I had known that was our last day together for a long while, our day would have looked much different.  We would have sang and danced more.   We would have played more games.  I would have read more stories "just for fun".  But most of all, I would have let them know that I love them and that I will miss them and that everything was going to be okay.

It was all so shocking that I couldn't even think about what I needed to do, so I stayed in the staff lounge to help some 3rd grade teachers vigorously copy iReady packets to send home that day.  I helped them stuff envelopes.  Then I went back to my classroom and just looked around, in a daze.  My room was the typical end-of-the-week mess.  Fridays I usually spend the afternoon deep cleaning and organizing to get ready for the next week, but I just couldn't.  I went home with a knot in my stomach. I had no idea what was in store for my students, my own children, or me and my husband as teachers.

I am grieving the loss of the best part of the school year; where my students are more independent and confident and the learning is in high gear.  And now, as two different reopen dates have passed, and ultimately closing for the rest of the school year is our fate, I can't help but think of the future and next school year.  I know that doesn't help the "now", but it's on my mind. After all, there is no social distancing in kindergarten.

(Try to Be) Happy Teaching!
Erin Grebel

1 comment:

  1. Sigh...I'm only now reading this. (It's June 12th.) "We would have sang and danced more." It was a heartbreaking ending to our 2019-2020 school year. :/


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