Monday, November 9, 2020

Forever in the Middle: Zoom Chat Participation


Zoom Chat Participation Made Easy

When we started distance learning this school year, I felt like the most time during my day was spent filling in attendance records and tracking participation. It took HOURS of my day; there had to be an easier way. I tried using the Zoom attendance report or the Zoom chat to track participation and attendance but it still required quite a bit of work on my end to manually cross-reference my roster and the reports. 

That's when I showed my husband what I had been doing. He took a look and immediately saw an opportunity for improvement using automation through Excel. He and a friend put together a template on Excel where all attendance and participation counts are automated based on chat and attendance reports. 

I make it a point during my Zoom lessons to ask students to respond to questions in the chat. This encourages whole class participation and students can select to respond privately to me or the whole class. With Middle School students, it's not always easy to tell if they are actually paying attention to the lesson so this allows me a way to keep track quickly and easily so I know who to follow up with.

 Now I can take attendance in under 30 seconds and can also track participation in about the same amount of time. It gives me an immediate idea of who is engaged and who isn't. It has been a complete and total game changer! See below for a video walkthrough of what it can do or skip ahead for a step by step guide. Here is a template you can use yourself

Click here for a video walkthrough of how to set up and use the template

A step by step guide to using the template

1. Set up the spreadsheet in columns A and B with student last names and first names. You can copy and paste these from your roster on Q. The template will automatically switch the names as they appear on Zoom (First then last name).

2. To take attendance, open the Zoom report and click on "show unique users" then export it. It will open in Excel. Copy column A which contains the student names. Then paste it into column F of the spreadsheet.

3. To track participation in the chat, open the saved chat from your files. It will open as a text file. Then select all and copy the text. Click on cell H3 of the template and paste. This will paste all student responses from the chat. The spreadsheet then extracts student names from the chat history and counts how many times they responded. The counts then show up in column D of the spreadsheet next to each student's name. 

Keep the magic alive (even through Zoom),

Kandyce Valverde

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