Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Together We Will Make A Difference

Empowering Our Next Generation 

 One of the greatest moments I've experienced in the classroom is when I've taught a lesson that pushes my students rigorously while teaching them to be great human beings. The novel Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park does exactly that. It is written at a 700 Lexile with the theme of perseverance and self-identity. For the past four years our 6th graders have read this novel and it is always the highlight of our year. The novel's suspense leaves the reader wanting more. It kick starts our school year on a beautiful note by building a desire to read. This novel sets the tone that reading isn't as bad as some students might think. Sometimes it's even better than a movie! It also motivates them to continue to read. However, last year we were able to take this novel to the next level. We discovered the Iron Giraffe Challenge!

Iron Giraffe Challenge

 One of the main characters, Salva, started this organization in 2005. His goal is to build water wells in South Sudan to help Sudanese people prosper. By having access to clean water, the people of Sudan are provided with the opportunity to receive an education, begin a craft that can bring in an income or the possibility to farm! Last year our 6th graders were able to raise about $500 for this organization. It was a student driven effort that taught our 6th graders how to take a leadership role while impacting our world. This year we've decided to continue our efforts. After finishing the novel my students felt the need to help once again.

 This year, Salva Dut visited California for the first time in many years. I had the opportunity to attend his seminar and meet none other than Salva himself! The best part was that he recorded a message to my students to recognize their efforts and to thank them! I love that he pointed out how their efforts are benefiting our world. Even thought they are only 11 or 12 years old they are already making a difference in our world. Their possibilities are endless! What a powerful way to wrap up our first unit. Here is Salva's message to our Wildcats.

 Iron Giraffe Challenge Link

Until next time, 

Nancy Vargas

1 comment:

  1. Great work Nancy! I love the work that IB teachers do to connect our students to global causes.


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