Winter Holiday To-Do List
Sometimes a simple comment can spark an idea for a blog post. Today as I dismissed my students for their much-anticipated Winter Holiday, I hugged a parent goodbye and shared, "Enjoy your time with your babies!" to what she jokingly replied with, "I wish teachers took my babies during holidays as well!" (insert chuckles from both parties)Truth be told, that although we both laughed at her reply, I immediately realized how important it is for us, as teachers, to truly re-energize every few months. We, as much as the students, cannot wait for our Winter Holiday to commence! Contrary to popular belief, this is not because we are burnt-out, but because we need our rest to approach our fast-paced lifestyle with a fresh set of eyes. This is what keeps us going for ten months and allows us to continue to be innovative thinkers in our classrooms.
I'm On Break... Now What?
So now we are on break for two weeks... but let us be honest with each other, it never really feels like two weeks off during the holiday season. We have last minute gifts to buy, presents to wrap, holiday dinners to plan, and our favorite... families to host! Because of this, I feel it would be reckless of me to provide a never-ending list of things you should do for yourself to relax during the break. This might prove counterproductive and give someone added stress as they struggle to find all that "Me Time." Instead, I could share just a few things (ten at most... promise) that you can do to help put back some pep in your step as we enter 2019!
Ten Five Things to Help You Re-Energize
1. Take a long walk with a loved one and disconnect from the world (cell phone set to silent mode)
2. Visit your favorite coffee shop, holding your favorite book at hand, order something yummy, and read (yes... this means the cell phone is off...LOL)
3. Take your kiddos out to a place of their choice (Trust me, as a mom of two and teacher of 28, this will bring so much joy to your heart if you merely sit back and watch them enjoy their time with you. This works even better if you keep all electronic devices away from your special day (OMG I'm starting to notice a pattern...giggle)
4. Plan a day with your best friend... this may seem silly even to write, but I can tell you from personal experience, finding a date that works for two very busy moms is not always easy... but it is oh so rewarding when the stars align and you discover a date that works for all.
5. Take a yoga class at your local gym (and if you search the web, you might even find a class that is offered outdoors... BONUS!)
(You see, I was aiming to write ten things to share to help with relaxing and re-energizing over the holiday break, but I decided to keep my list short and sweet for my own sanity...LOL)
More importantly, none of these suggestions should break the bank. This list is simply written to provide my readers with a starting point. You know yourselves more than anyone else. So, find your happy place, pull up a chair, and relax.
See you all in 2019!
Yvonne Milian