Maximize Wonders ConnectED
and Leveled Readers
As the year has gone by and I have had wonderful
visitors come into my room to observe Universal Access, a question that keeps
coming up is, “How do your students access their appropriate leveled reader
online?” This post is to show just how to do it!
Not enough leveled readers in your library? Well, why not assign it digitally and then ALL of your students can have access.
We all know how important, critical, and crucial reading is at all grade levels and ages. It is also vital that students are reading texts that are most appropriate to help build their skills. Wonders Online provides four different leveled readers for students to access. The Lexile range is based on, “Approaching Grade Level, On Grade Level, Beyond Grade Level, and English Language Learner.” You can find exact Lexile levels for each book on the back or by clicking “details” next to the book online in your “Resource Library.” It is these levels that some teachers may not realize you can specifically assign to your students so that they can individually get what they need. Click this link (directions) to follow the steps on how.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” --Dr. Seuss
What can you do with leveled readers in the classroom?
Tech-ing with a purpose,
Tiffani Bossieux
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