Monday, August 21, 2017

Engaging Students during Eureka Math! by Kimberly Smith

Engaging Students during Eureka Math!
As I asked my sixth grade students to “dab” if they arrived at the correct answer, I realized at that moment I may need to go back to the drawing board.  Dabbing was no longer “cool” to sixth graders, and neither was I.  It was time to replace some of my old engagement strategies from my old teacher toolbox with some new and improved ideas.

I’m sure we’ve all experienced that moment when we look at our students
and think, “They’re bored out of their minds!”

We’ll never have all of the answers, but if we as teachers can learn more about our students, they will learn more about what we’re trying to teach them.  Making learning engaging and meaningful isn’t easy, but it’s definitely possible.  Some of our students face so many different struggles both inside and outside of school.  If we can make the classroom a safe, inviting, and entertaining place to be, we’ve already won half the battle.  The other half of the battle is making content engaging and accessible for all students.

“It is the supreme ART of the teacher to AWAKEN JOY in creative expression and knowledge.”--Albert Einstein

I’m on a quest to discover innovative ways to make Eureka Math inviting for all students.

One of my favorite ways to keep students alert during math time, but also involved in the lesson, is through the use of Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures.  These structures allow all kids the chance to verbalize their learning and participate.  Cooperative learning lends itself very nicely to Eureka Math, too!  In fact, I find my students internalize the concepts much better when I bring in Kagan.  Each month, I will reflect on the different structures and strategies I’m using with my sixth grade math class.  I’ll also be dabbling (not dabbing) with strategies such as the use of depth and complexity, technology, songs, and more!  I hope you will check back and join me on my Eureka Math engagement journey!

Educating together,
Kimberly Smith


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