Friday, October 20, 2017

Kahoot!...IT! (Technology)


“Miss Bossieux, my test is giving me more than one answer to choose from, and I’m not sure which one to pick!” That was when I realized I had spent zero time offering multiple choice test options for my students.  We as teachers may now be deferring away from multiple choice so much that students can get thrown off or “tricked” by seeing multiple answers that they start doubting themselves. Yes, multiple choice isn’t as frequently tested as many test questions are now open-ended, manipulative, or ask for missing parts.  But that may also now mean, we are neglecting our students the opportunity to practice this form of testing before a formal test actually approaches.  Just like anything else we need to give this method of testing some attention. Continue reading and learn how you can do a quick FUN formative multiple choice assessment with the convenience of just one click.  

Technology and engagement go hand in hand, so let's use this to test our students in an exciting way and with any subject!

Testing is always a time for stress, success, anxiety, happiness, disappointment, or excitement just to name a few.  Not only do our students feel these things, but so do us as teachers.  We see those scores and either jump for joy or want to binge on two dozen donuts.  Well instead of ONLY focusing on just those formal, time-consuming tests that are required, why not take some pressure off and ALSO present assessments to our students that make them WANT to take them.  How do you do that you ask? Well try!

Watch students and adults around the world use Kahoot

Create or “search” Kahoot assessments for your classroom.

Watch this great two-minute how-to video on the gist of Kahoot.  You can also explore the actual website (which I highly recommend)  or YouTube search “Kahoot” to find many informative videos.  

Once you familiarize yourself, the easiest and quickest way to implement this in your classroom is to “Find Kahoots.”  For example, in Wonders this week, I have been teaching my students, plural nouns.  I searched those keywords and boom! just like that I had a list of quizzes that teachers had created and shared.  I played that for my class and had 100% engagement and excitement through the roof.  You can even download the results to keep for data.  I have also used Kahoot for testing multiplication facts.

Kahoot is currently living on our students’ Symbaloo homepage, so all they need to do is click the link. You can also use it on your district iPads, by accessing it through your Chrome browser. Use Kahoot whole class, small groups, or in the computer lab. Kahoot is also offered and can be played in teams if students need to share devices.  

Give it a try! Make up your own multiple choice quiz, discussion, or survey! And if you try it, please let me know how it went!  I would love to hear all about it!

The techy teacher,
Tiffani Bossieux


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