Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Going Beyond the Limits

Image result for teaching beyond limits clipartWe are almost to the end of the 2018-2019 school year! It is hard for me to believe this is the last blog for this school year… we are down to the home stretch, people! Do not get me wrong, I love my students as if they are my kids, but we all need a break to rest, reflect, and record thoughts on how we influence the lives of 20-30 little ones each year. We should ask ourselves questions to engage in reflection. Did we engage in our best teaching? Did we provide a setting that allowed students to capture and flourish in the beauty of their dreams? Whether you answer yes or no to these questions, you have to remember that you instilled new learning to inquiring minds and that is powerful in itself!

“A teacher affects eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops.”    ~Henry Brooks Adams

I started the school year reminding educators that you are not alone on your teaching journey. As you begin to reflect on how this school year went, look to see if it was different in any way. Did you connect with peers to discuss curriculum, standards, expectations and/or lesson plans? Did you make your practice more engaging by adding new strategies? Awesome job if you did! If you did not, then as you begin to write your reflections think about the modifications you can make next year. Remember that as you may be uncomfortable with change, you are challenging yourself to do something new. The new challenges can lead to immense professional growth, giving you the confidence to lead and generate a positive environment where the possibilities can be endless.

“Our borders and our obstacles can either stop us in our tracks or force us to get creative.”   ~Amy Purdy

 As you increase your confidence through reflection, remember that you are not alone! Everyone goes through fear of the unknown when changes come about. Know that you are teaching students that may be feeling the same way throughout their educational journey. As educators, we want our students to know that their level of confidence is crucial for success as well. Read my blogs this year to learn that growth is evident when we seek to improve the foundations of all learning. If a child is lacking confidence, the child may still be struggling in reading. Reading is the foundation of all learning! Teaching a child to read, teaches the foundational skills that make way for inquiry, investigation, and making connections for understanding to take place. When a child has confidence in reading, you build upon their language and literacy skills, stimulating the brain to go on many adventures dreaming the impossible! Let's practice what we teach. 

Go out this year believing YOU and YOUR Students can live and learn beyond limits! At the beginning of the school year, I have my students watch this Ted Talk with Amy Purdy to gain confidence and believe the impossible is possible. As you watch, I hope it inspires you too!

Have a Splendid Summer Terrific Teachers!

                                                                  Live, Love, Teach!


  1. Hilda, teacher self-reflection is one of the most powerful tools we can use to improve as educators. The willingness and humility to target errors and self-correct speaks volumes of a teacher's character and how much they love their job. I can tell you are one! Have a great replenishing summer!

    1. Awww, you are too sweet Gus!! I have loved working with you and getting to know you because your teaching heart speaks volume too! I hope you have a fabulous summer break! :)

  2. Muy bien Hilda! I love your emphasis on reflection. Even though you didn't state it explicitly, you definitely alluded to the fact that we can't live in the regret of what we didn't do, but must forgive ourselves if necessary and press on for the sake of our students and ourselves! =^..^=


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