Thursday, March 21, 2019

Words Matter by Lola

Ever since I can remember, I've always loved words. I love speaking them. I love writing them. I love thinking them. Their power is undeniable.  Like superheroes, they have the ability to empower, inspire, encourage, and restore. But like villains, they also have the power to destroy. (Too bad they don't come with a warning label. Yeah. That's how dangerous they can be.)  As teachers, we should never underestimate their potential in the classroom.

As a little girl, I remember hearing that "sticks and stones could break my bones, but names would never hurt me." Wrong. Whoever came up with that tune, had certainly never met a person as sensitive as I am. And because I'm such a sensitive person, I always try to be very careful with my words and the tone in which I deliver them. I want my words to linger sweetly in the minds of my students. That's why on the first day of the school year I make these three promises to them: First, I'm going to fall in love with them. I can't help it. It just happens. Second, I'm going to take care of them--like a mama bear protecting her cubs. And finally, I'm going to teach them.


In my class, I have a large bulletin board displaying our district's Effective Expression continuum. I want my all of my students to appreciate the importance of being able to express themselves effectively in speech and in print. Words just happen to be the building blocks of both. Although I may be a self-described "collector" of words, I am definitely not a hoarder of them. I believe words are meant to be shared. All of my students (and ALL really does mean ALL) are capable of learning high-impact rigorous academic vocabulary words and so are your students.

Lola Jollie

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